首页 > 游戏竞技 > The Rainbow-虹(英文版) > 第23部分

第23部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 网游:开局觉醒本源天赋活下去寻找生命的意义全息游戏:在游戏里当小地主全职高手之最强散人网游:开局觉醒无限技能点十级战力才破亿,请问我还有救吗高颜值狗命专家假千金下山替嫁,真大佬夜夜求卦足球生涯:从躺冠到成为传奇世界入侵:从元素召唤开始无敌联盟:选出艾希,Rita坏掉了网游:强化999,1级就无敌!琪亚娜第三人格网游:我用智商碾压你足球之开局躺个世界杯冠军队友带我嘎嘎乱鲨海岛,全民垂钓,我独获史诗天赋全民穿越,异界迷雾求生后室:新世界在现实与游戏中,寻回尘封的记忆

cleared space; where she set the two sheaves sharply down;

bringing them together with a faint; keen clash。 Her two bulks

stood leaning together。 He was ing; walking shadowily with

the gossamer dusk; carrying his two sheaves。 She waited near…by。

He set his sheaves with a keen; faint clash; next to her

sheaves。 They rode unsteadily。 He tangled the tresses of corn。

It hissed like a fountain。 He looked up and laughed。

Then she turned away towards the moon; which seemed glowingly

to uncover her bosom every time she faced it。 He went to the

vague emptiness of the field opposite; dutifully。

They stooped; grasped the wet; soft hair of the corn; lifted

the heavy bundles; and returned。 She was always first。 She set

down her sheaves; making a pent…house with those others。 He was

ing shadowy across the stubble; carrying his bundles; She

turned away; hearing only the sharp hiss of his mingling corn。

She walked between the moon and his shadowy figure。

She took her two new sheaves and walked towards him; as he

rose from stooping over the earth。 He was ing out of the near

distance。 She set down her sheaves to make a new stook。 They

were unsure。 Her hands fluttered。 Yet she broke away; and turned

to the moon; which laid bare her bosom; so she felt as if her

bosom were heaving and panting with moonlight。 And he had to put

up her two sheaves; which had fallen down。 He worked in silence。

The rhythm of the work carried him away again; as she was ing


They worked together; ing and going; in a rhythm; which

carried their feet and their bodies in tune。 She stooped; she

lifted the burden of sheaves;

悠然农家女邪王魔尊,妃常桃花多天龙传奇对不起,老婆窗外雨夹雪( 到哪兒都如意之3 )-有王爺才敢大聲