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第8部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 天灾:背负七宗罪,我能斩杀神明神豪恋爱:十倍返现,我赚麻了我一个山贼,抢点美女玩家怎么了我在地下城讨生活吕颂梨秦晟穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派免费阅读全文吕颂梨秦晟小说全文免费阅读烽火尽染新书穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派吕颂梨秦晟小说最新章节免费阅读穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派吕颂梨秦晟吕颂梨秦晟穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派最新章节在线阅读吕颂梨秦晟免费阅读无弹窗穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派小说全文免费阅读穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派烽火尽染开局一个破屋:我有史上最坑系统斗罗V:开局被玉小刚鄙视,转身成为大师都末世了,囤一点点女神很合理吧末世:让你囤物资,你囤女神全民领主,开局召唤魔化关银屏末日领主之我有三国武将休眠仓基地斗罗V:我重生为蛇,多子多福很合理吧

her repulse me with double scorn; thereby re…exciting every turbulent impulse of my nature。

I would fain exercise some better faculty than that of fierce speaking; fain find nourishment for some less fiendish feeling than that of sombre indignation。 I took a book—some Arabian tales; I sat down and endeavoured to read。 I could make no sense of the subject; my own thoughts swam always between me and the page I had usually found fascinating。 I opened the glass…door in the breakfast…room: the shrubbery was quite still: the black frost reigned; unbroken by sun or breeze; through the grounds。 I covered my head and arms with the skirt of my frock; and went out to walk in a part of the plantation which was quite sequestrated; but I found no pleasure in the silent trees; the falling fir…cones; the congealed relics of autumn; russet leaves; swept by past winds in heaps; and now stiffened together。 I leaned against a gate; and looked into an empty field where no sheep were feeding; where the short grass was nipped and blanched。 It was a very grey day; a most opaque sky; “onding on snaw;” canopied all; thence flakes felt it intervals; which settled on the hard path and on the hoary lea without melting。 I stood; a wretched child enough; whispering to myself over and over again; “What shall I do?—what shall I do?”

All at once I heard a clear voice call; “Miss Jane! where are you? e to lunch!”

It was Bessie; I knew well enough; but I did not stir; her light step came tripping down the path。

“You naughty little thing!” she said。 “Why don’t you e when you are called?”

Bessie’s presence; pared with the thoughts over which I had been brooding; seemed cheerful; even though; as usual; she was somewhat cross。 The fact is; after my conflict with and vict
