首页 > 游戏竞技 > my name is red-我的名字叫红 > 第5部分

第5部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 从学霸开始迈向星辰大海大唐贵婿模板奥尼尔,美女都是我的充电宝王者:是个英雄就超标,别太离谱世界杯:我把C罗喂吐了末日:我真不是土匪无止的界限开局暴力林丹体验卡,我无敌了源启:终尽足坛怪咖网游之神偷盗贼斗罗:当千仞雪不恋爱脑后全民:领主大人别冲动网游:开局觉醒本源天赋活下去寻找生命的意义全息游戏:在游戏里当小地主全职高手之最强散人网游:开局觉醒无限技能点十级战力才破亿,请问我还有救吗高颜值狗命专家

“This is by Bihzad;” the aging master said twenty years ago as we examined

the book I held in my trembling hands。 His face was illuminated not by the

nearby candle; but by the pleasure of observation itself。 “This is so Bihzad that

there’s no need for a signature。”

Bihzad was so well aware of this fact that he didn’t hide his signature

anywhere in the painting。 And according to the elderly master; there was a

sense of embarrassment and a feeling of shame in this decision of his。 Where

there is true art and genuine virtuosity the artist can paint an inparable

masterpiece without leaving even a trace of his identity。

Fearing for my life; I murdered my unfortunate victim in an ordinary and

crude manner。 As I returned to this fire…ravaged area night after night to

ascertain whether I’d left behind any traces that might betray me; questions of

style increasingly arose in my head。 What was venerated as style was nothing

more than an imperfection or flaw that revealed the guilty hand。

I could’ve located this place even without the brilliance of the falling snow;

for this spot; razed by fire; was where I’d ended the life of my panion of

twenty…five years。 Now; snow covered and erased all the clues that might have

been interpreted as signature; proving that Allah concurred with Bihzad and

me on the issue of style and signature。 If we actually mitted an

unpardonable sin by illustrating that book—as that half…wit had maintained

four days ago—even if we had done so unawares; Allah wouldn’t have

bestowed this favor upon us miniaturists。
